Atlas Turf offers quality fescues developed by Pure-Seed Testing, Inc. Choose from tall or fine fescues for applications including golf course roughs, sports fields, parks, roadsides, and more.

Coronado TDH Tall Fescue
Coronado TDH tall fescue is a dark green cultivar with excellent drought tolerance. Coronado TDH requires less water to stay green longer than other tall fescues under drought stress. Coronado TDH has good heat tolerance and resistance to brown patch, gray leaf spot, net blotch, stem rust, and crown rust. Coronado TDH is extremely wear tolerant and performs well in sun or shade.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Rough
Sports Fields
Erosion Control

Lifeguard Tall Fescue
Lifeguard is an improved tall fescue variety qualified by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA) for remarkable drought tolerance. It is a medium-dark green cultivar with excellent summer turf performance. In the 2018 CTBT (Cooperative Turfgrass Breeders Test) data, Lifeguard consistently ranked in the top statistical groups. Lifeguard is disease resistant, shade tolerant, and offers excellent heat tolerance.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Rough
Sports Fields
Erosion Control

Rain Dance Tall Fescue
Rain Dance tall fescue is a dark green cultivar that was selected for salt tolerance. The Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA) qualified Rain Dance for its remarkable drought tolerance. It offers excellent wear tolerance and summer turf performance. Rain Dance is tolerant to brown patch, gray leaf spot, net blotch, stem rust, and crown rust.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Rough
Sports Fields
Erosion Control

Saltillo Tall Fescue
Saltillo Tall Fescue is a dark green cultivar with excellent summer turf performance. It was selected for salt tolerance and brown patch resistance. Saltillo has very good heat tolerance and resistance to brown patch, gray leaf spot, net blotch, stem rust, and crown rust. Saltillo is qualified by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA) for using significantly less water (up to 40% less).
Excellent for:
Golf Course Rough
Sports Fields
Erosion Control

SunGold Premium Tall Fescue Brand
SunGold is an elite tall fescue blend developed by Pure-Seed Testing, Inc. and comprised of the highest performing varieties. Qualified by the Turfgrass Water Conservation Alliance (TWCA), the components of SunGold have proven drought resistance and water reducing capabilities. SunGold is disease resistant, especially against brown patch and is also heat tolerant. In addition, the blend is endophyte enhanced for extra protection against pests and disease. Quick establishing, this deep, dark green turfgrass has medium texture and density with an upright growth habit.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Rough
Golf Course Fairways
Sports Fields

Tar Heel II Tall Fescue
Tar Heel II has deep roots for drought tolerance and soil stabilization. It performs well in full sun or shade. Additionally, Tar Heel II has good salt tolerance and is resistant to leaf spot, net blotch, crown rust, stem rust, and gray leaf spot.
Excellent for:
Golf Course Rough
Sports Fields
Erosion Control