Pure Dynasty With ACCe is the Newest Breakthrough in Paspalum Turfgrass
Pure Seed and Atlas Turf launch a breakthrough in paspalum turfgrass – new Pure Dynasty with ACCe, the first herbicide-resistant seeded paspalum.
Atlas Turf now offers a complete selection of seeded cool season turfgrasses including perennial ryegrass, bentgrass, fescue, and Kentucky bluegrass. Straight varieties and custom seed blending, along with seed coating capabilities, are available to meet the unique and specific needs of each project. For assistance in selecting the right cool season turfgrass for your needs, please contact us today.
Whether the application is permanent turf or overseeding, Atlas Turf perennial ryegrasses from Pure Seed are bred for performance.
The finest greens and tees are grassed with Tee-2-Green creeping bentgrasses developed by Pure-Seed Testing.
With a selection of varieties developed by Pure-Seed Testing, Atlas Turf offers the Kentucky bluegrass to meet the needs of many different applications.
Backed by extensive research, superior design, and unmatched quality, legitimate turfgrasses from licensed distributors ensure that your project gets the turfgrass and performance that you expect.
Download our digital Atlas Turf International Product Guide for a comprehensive summary of our turfgrass portfolio including product specifications and planting rates. Fill out the form below to gain access to the guide:
Atlas Turf International Limited is the world’s leading source of licensed and certified turfgrasses. More than a supplier, Atlas Turf collaborates with clients to provide complete grassing solutions from selection through grow-in.
Contact us today for more information on how Atlas Turf can meet your turfgrass needs.
Pure Seed and Atlas Turf launch a breakthrough in paspalum turfgrass – new Pure Dynasty with ACCe, the first herbicide-resistant seeded paspalum.
As Emaar South golf course progresses in Dubai, advanced paspalums prove to be the best turfgrass choices for the conditions.
Pure Dynasty Seeded Paspalum played a key sustainability role in the renovation of Peninsula Papagayo and helped the project earn environmental recognition.
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